Register To Play

Please Read Important Fees Information Below Then Click Photo To Begin Registration

Now Accepting Debit/Credit Payments At Registration

Any player participating in more than one team this season is responsible to pay the following:

Registered U17's and above playing on 2+ teams:Registered U15's and below playing on 2+ teams:
Higher Team Fee + $40 LevyLower Team Fee + $40 Levy
(i.e. Reserves + U17's = Reserve fee + $40)(i.e. Reserves + U15's = U15's Fee + $40) 


In some cases there may be trials for grades.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​COACH DISCOUNTS:

Any Senior Player who coaches a junior team will get a $40 discount to their senior team fee.  However, should two senior players coach one team together they will only be awarded $20 per player discount each. 

Any parent who is not a senior player, that coaches a junior team will get a $40 discount off their child's fee, however if 2 parents coach the same team, then they will receive a $20 discount off each of their child's fee.



Any new Junior Players to the Club must provide a copy of a Birth Certificate or Passport. 

All parents of junior players become social members automatically which enables access to all Club Facilities/ activities.  If parent is playing in team, they need to pay appropriate team fee.  Parents of a full paying junior player, may be eligible to vote at Annual General Meetings. 

Any players transferring into the Club for any grade that incur ASA Transfer fees will be expected to reimburse the Club should they not be playing the following season.

All uniforms are expected to be returned in clean and tidy condition.  Should there be damage that is not due to normal wear or tear or any uniform is lost, the Club will invoice a fee payable for replacement.


We are now accepting online credit/debit card payments upon registration through Stripe.  FULL OR PARTIAL PAYMENT CAN BE MADE UPON REGISTATION IF PREFERRED, OR CONDITIONS ARE AS HIGHLIGHTED BELOW if you wish to pay after registration:

 Cut-off date for payment of fees in full is 31ST DECEMBER 2024 - NO EXCEPTIONS.  Any late payments will incur a 10% late payment fee per month it remains unpaid which will commence from January 2025.  This is to cover admin expenses and costs to put with debt collection agency.   Agreements with the club to have a payment plan WILL NOT incur a 10% late payment charge, if there have been regular weekly or fortnightly payments since start of season, otherwise 10% penalty will still be added as per the above condition.   Payment plans will be monitored closely to ensure regular payments are occurring.  

All fees are non-refundable unless there is a specific reason for withdrawal, i.e. injury where all or part fees thereof may be considered to be refunded upon HSC Executive Board's approval.  A 10% admin fee will be deducted.

If you prefer bank transfer, payments can be direct credited to Howick Softball Club (Fencibles) Inc –ASB – 12-3089-0047377-00 (please ensure you put players name in the reference). 

For those wishing to set up a payment plan please email the Club on  Please note regular payments will be required.

Parents or Guardians must complete this registration on behalf of all players under 18 years of age.  Each player must register on a separate form.

Family Discount:

Third or subsequent Children Free of lesser fee if 2 or more junior players from one family.  Only applies to Juniors.


Team Player Fee (GST Inclusive) 

U11 GRADES - We will allocate the grades based on age - unless specific requests are made by you in the comments section.

 Ages 3 & 4 Year Olds                                  $105

Ages 5 & 6 Year Olds                                   $135

 Ages 7 - 10 Year Olds                                 $145

​​​​​​​ASA GRADES:

Juniors U12’s - U17’sBoys & Girls                                $205

U18’s & U19’s-Boys & Girls                                          $205

Divisional Grades 1-5Seniors Men/Women                $200

Reserve Grade Men/Women-                           $280

Premier Grade Men/Women-                           $280

Diamond Point & Social Saturday Arvo Teams   $550 Per TEAM

Social Club Membership per person                 $25 per annum 

​​​​​​​(Social Club Membership allows full access to the Club Facilities and engaging in all activities within the Club - (does not allow voting rights at Annual General Meetings unless they have a full paying junior member of the family, or are a fee paying player themselves in Competition Softball)